Friday, 7 March 2014

Ending Timelapse Ideas

Time Lapse - Possible Locations

we got the idea for the time-lapse from previous experience and then saw that Ed Sheeran had used one in his video for The A Team, which follow a young escort around a city. the time-lapse shows a flash through time to show the audience that time is passing and she is staying still. 

we have decided on three final shots we could use for the time lapse that would be relatable or significant to our story line and trailer. all are views off Westminster Bridge which is the location that out trailer ends on. 

the first is off the right side of the bridge, showing the London eye. this would immediately signify to the audience that pour character is in central London, which represents money and business. through is dose not signify the gritty unseen side of London that we are trying to portray. we have chosen this shot as a possibility as we think that it contrasts the unseen side of London, to her being in the centre of London when she is mixed up with prostitution. 

this shot is the other side of the bridge. it shows the same shot that we have used at the end of our trailer, which would therefor show a repeat of the shot near the beginning and at the end of the trailer. these shots would show London in day and at night in the same place to represent that the main girl is in London through day and night alone. 

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