Thursday, 2 January 2014

London to Brighton Trailer Analysis

This establishing shot introduces the setting of a big city to the audience. It is the first shot and straight away makes the character seem vulnerable before she is even introduced to us.

This shot is showing a girl sitting on the floor, suggesting that she is worn out and struggling to survive, the feel that we could like to create in our trailer. This shot also follows the 'Rule of Thirds' as the character is on the right hand of the screen only taking up a third of the composition. This shot also allows the audience to see other people walking past and ignoring the character, who is clearly in a vulnerable position, and this makes the audience feel sympathy towards the character.
This two shot shows a close up of two girls smoking, showing a sign of rebellion. This adds another layer to the trailer reinforces the social realism genre.

In this shot there is a quote from The Times to promote the film even more, and the background is a defocused shot of car lights. This shot is effective as it reinforces that the film is set in a big city and again creates vulnerability towards the character.
This is a close-up shot of someone holding money, suggesting that money is possibly a significant factor in this film, and money is a feature that we would like to feature throughout our film
This shot shows the area where the film is set, showing there is graffiti on the walls signifying that the film is set in a rough area.
 This shot shows introduces the theme of prostitution/escorts to the trailer, with the older female looking concerned as the man takes the young girls hand

This shot is a close up showing that the female is distressed and drinking alcohol, showing an element of the social realism genre
 This close up shot allows the audience to see the girls emotion, and it is clear from this shot that she is in distress. She is also wearing a lot of make-up which she is clearly not happy with. 

The trailer includes quotes expressing how good the film is throughout, this being from the Big Issue. Including quotes is a typical convention of a trailer as it promotes the film even more.
This close up shot of the female character shows that she has suffered bruising to her face, suggesting there is an element of violence in the film. Close up shots are also really effective for showing emotion and this helps to create sympathy towards the character. 

Another quote, this time from The Guardian, showing the rating of five stars to promote the film even more
The title of the trailer appears at the end, and it is a simple title in white against a black background in capital letters. This font is simple but effective as it does not draw the attention away from the trailer.
End credits with the title clearly displayed. The title is in a simple font and in white against a black background and so it does not distract from the trailer. The production credits are also included which is a typical convention of a trailer.

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