Drugs. Prostitution.
Drugs are frequently used in films as themes and influences representing illegal actions which therefore relates to illegal people. drugs are a simple and relatively easy way to represent gang culture, or illegal actions as they are reality easy to fake, but they are hard to make look professional and realistic when in action. The way that they are handled and used can either be realistic and give a great feel and give the exact impression they are trying to create or they can look cheap and tacky and ruin the feel of the film.
The drugs most commonly shown in films are cocaine, heroin, LSD and cannabis.
Prostitution is a theme that can be portrayed in a trailer without showing graphic detail of prostitution. This has been shown in many ways in films.
Here are a few things I have noticed that have been shown in films to show struggles of prostitution.
- Girl on street corner.
- Girl being approached by man.
- Extravagant make up.
- Crying in toilets.
- Knocking on door of apartment, man answers.
- Wads of cash being handed between man and girl.
When done well and using reflecting effects and grading on the film the impression of prostitution can be given well, giving a story line that will bring sympathy from the audience.
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