For our trailer we are looking to film in two distinct environments, urban and country. For the urban environment we are looking for areas that present a 'gritty' and 'expansive' atmosphere.
Charing Cross Station - This location will be used as the starting point of our master tracking shot, following our lead protagonist from the train, through London, to the conclusive shot of our trailer. The pictures below show some of the areas we will walk through tracking our protagonist.
London Bridge / Westminster Bridge - We are still in discussion as to which bridge we will conclude the tracking shot and the trailer. London Bridge has a 'grand' appreance whereas Westminster bridge offers a more 'open' space.
London Bridge:
Westminster Bridge:
St James Park - This park will be used as a way of portraying how our lead protagonist is missing home and her family,a piece of counrty, tangled up in the urban enviroment of London.
London Underground - This environment is regularly seen with 'buskers', so it would be an effective way of depicting our protagonist becoming involved with this culture.
4 More London / Tower Bridge - This spot by Tower Bridge is a where we would like to do our time lapse, we felt it offered a atmospheric view of London with tall modern buildings and tall cranes.
Piccadilly Circus - This environment would be effective at showing the chaotic and busy environment our character has dived into.